Sunday, August 6, 2017

Thoughts for the Day

I saw something online last night about everyone having a bottom line largest fear they carry: abandonment, failure, fear of the unknown, judgment, etc. and how to recognize when a button is pushed and you react automatically in defense or protection when it is not necessarily a real threat. Interesting. Self awareness is so important in moving along in maturity. And yet, how do we know even being 'aware' is real awareness? Humans are inside being human. 

So thinking about the things that set people on their out-of-perspective reactions is a way to see what we are all afraid of. Distrust is a big one. Being unappreciated is a resident fear. Not being relevant. Being overpowered. Missing out on the essence of Life. Becoming lost in the mass of humanity. Dis-ease. On and on. Feeling the loss of personal power and meaningfulness is a great motivator toward the activation of deflective action, or giving up.

Some are fighters and would rather be nasty than give up. Others are come-back kids. They may feel defeated from time to time but can rally with humanitarian strength and faith. Look inward, learn, and go forth with some stubborn resilience!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Garden of Life

I have this book coming out. It is emerging slowly and mysteriously, a branch of my journal meanderings, and may never be seen by another human. Do I dare share it? 

How do you rate creative products? Is this new idea redundant or life changing, trite or intriguing? Times are changing and the wave of longing for positive, less conflicting elements in our experience has grown into a surge of activity. I am all for the Shift and the new awareness of collective and individual consciousness. I am working in the fields of stabilizing healthful living. I have my challenges and usually manage to achieve my modest goals. But what a frightening choice it can be to expose one's inner inspiration, hopes and ideas, to a world still filled with challenge and disparagement. Good luck with that!

How do you explore the land of the Ideal and graceful Unknown? Cautiously and with care. Once the paint is on the canvas many unexpected images can emerge to all and sundry. We learn from ourselves and endeavor to share with understanding and respect.

Dream on, fill the pages with hope, find like-minded friends and strangers. We grow together in all levels of mind and matter.  

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Don't Believe, Be

  "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see," was a saying in the 'show me state' of middle America where I grew up.Too many points of view cloud the landscape of reality; can it be possible to take it all as Truth?

   Beliefs form, we accept some, we encounter other points of view, then hold steady or grow our mindset. Each individual has a mind. Where do these thoughts, beliefs, insights come from? What is the meaning of thought? Who knows the real truth of anything? Steady as she goes.

   A civilization can be mislead as to its own healthful point of view. Many outlooks and practices and value judgements make up the whole. Seeming clashes of choice occur in the philosophical development through the days and the decades. Feeling compromised or vulnerable to opposing attitudes about what is 'right' can make a populace unsteady and bring out the fears and distrust of 'other'. Fine-tuning toward compromise can create a pathway to tread but it dilutes the individual essence of the original insights. Working together becomes difficult when beliefs are taken too seriously and given too much room to determine the direction of experience. Clarity and shadows merge; thought becomes a mess of confusion.

   Some individuals want to explore. Others hold to what they know and feel safe in. Why not have room for all possibilities in a culture? Why try to influence others? How to find a higher point of view that excludes the necessity of collision of choice? Some current undercurrents of philosophy in our culture have evolved to believe, to Know that it is not only possible but necessary and inevitable that the next step in human mind development is happening individually and in large numbers Now.. We are choosing to grow. We are recognizing ourselves in others. The refusal to allow defeat, the belief in benevolence and balance in natural living have reached a point of becoming in material reality. 

   See the shadows and acknowledge them and grow into the heart. Fill the dreams and the mind with beauty and hoped-for discoveries in daily life. Build a firm foundation for the worlds we inhabit. Give the future your confident faith. Beyond any particular belief system, thought orientation, leadership, or instinct for survival, the grace of the Lifeforce we all share can be felt, appreciated and celebrated.