After the chaos of 2020, 2021, and now the confusion and intensity of '22, I think and try to feel my way through the best (or acceptable) pathways of daily life. Much has changed in my living setup, and I have changed physically and internally. But, Oh, the changes I can enjoy when I see my lifetime friends!
There are the childhood and schoolmate kids I knew who are all olding like I am. There are the kids I taught who now have kids. There are the ones gone by who I still feel and sometimes talk with. TIME. Who invented that?
I have a best-before-birth friend whose mother and mine were best for each other for over 80 years. She is grey, loved, adjusting to the recent loss of her husband from college days, and still working as a healer, traveling, gathering Family, and .... whatever she does in the Midwest of the USA surrounded by extreme outlooks and higher prices in living.
I read and post with the giving friend who grew from a wild unpredictable whirlwind in a genteel family into a missionary of sorts traveling from the Holy Land to deep suburban America talking about religion, creativity, loving regardless of differences and hosting many who want to find the magic in history's legends.
There is the beautiful 3 year old reading prodigy who is now a recently turned out gay single mother of a rambunctious and daring boy. She is a teacher in Canada working with 'disabled' people and high school hopefuls looking for a future.
My old high school class pres became a lawyer and minister and college president and a comrade of golfing champions and Texas conservatism. Do we all love each other?
My own sweet little daughters have gone away. They are strong independent self supporting professionals with chosen (or seemingly not) challenges and healthy vital lives. I am so fortunate. But I miss them, all the children and youthful comrades in life I have known. Growing in Time is a bit of a conundrum.
All is well as of this moment. We can live in beauty and try to contribute to the higher planes of fellowship!!! Amen.