Sunday, August 6, 2017

Thoughts for the Day

I saw something online last night about everyone having a bottom line largest fear they carry: abandonment, failure, fear of the unknown, judgment, etc. and how to recognize when a button is pushed and you react automatically in defense or protection when it is not necessarily a real threat. Interesting. Self awareness is so important in moving along in maturity. And yet, how do we know even being 'aware' is real awareness? Humans are inside being human. 

So thinking about the things that set people on their out-of-perspective reactions is a way to see what we are all afraid of. Distrust is a big one. Being unappreciated is a resident fear. Not being relevant. Being overpowered. Missing out on the essence of Life. Becoming lost in the mass of humanity. Dis-ease. On and on. Feeling the loss of personal power and meaningfulness is a great motivator toward the activation of deflective action, or giving up.

Some are fighters and would rather be nasty than give up. Others are come-back kids. They may feel defeated from time to time but can rally with humanitarian strength and faith. Look inward, learn, and go forth with some stubborn resilience!