Monday, November 7, 2022


     It occurred to me this morning as I was reading about the coming full moon eclipse, the US election, the angst and distrust in the human world, the fears of global calamity, that I was trained to pick out the flaws in reality and it was a big mis-step in understanding what Life is about.

   My talented ferocious grandmother seemed to think she had the right to criticize her family and hurt them in service to her 'faith' and adherence to original sin. BS. If you can't see both sides of the extremes you are stuck. Comparison is not necessarily productive when we look at ourselves or others. Seeing flaws can be helpful if there is an insight or pathway toward improvement but to pick out what is wrong without a notion of movement toward release or growth will keep one trapped in negativity. We have been so arrogant toward our stations in life in the midst of human diversity and individuality that we think we get to choose who is good/bad, right/wrong, successful/failing and then act as the 'god' of acceptance. Whoa. Not working.

   If those people over there want to hate and control and grab for themselves can we gracefully step back, leave them in their own world and create a better one with our comrades? Can the world still contain individual pockets of independent specialty? Can we congratulate instead of judging? Are our instincts and insights going to open to greater ideals and methods and abilities for comfort, security and sharing of appreciation? We should have grown up by now. 

   Woops, judgement isn't working. If unity is the next consciousness development and compassion  can hep us fix the inequalities and grow beyond fear we need to drop the assumption that we are helpless in the light of perfection and believe we can add to the greatness of human wellness and  satisfaction. Besides the differences we all seem to be experiencing, can we understand that each has  his/her/their own destiny and expression and that possibilities are unlimited for us within the parameters of physical materialization? This is the new faith: it is fair, it is up to us, we have guidance on unlimited levels, we can choose, and we are GOOD. Being is benevolent. Dreams of well being are attainable without conflict.

   Yes! Let's go there. All Love. 




Friday, November 4, 2022

Learnings from the Birds


  I am sitting here watching the birds on the bannister fake each other out at the seed dish. When a blue jay landed on the porch last week I decided to try to put out food again. Last winter was a long learning process for me, novice bird hostess, to get it right in a different location in the trees. 

  Feeding birds is controversial, as is most interaction with wild species. But what a pleasure to see the pairs and flocks coming and going, choosing, interacting, singing and soaring. This new house porch is up in the rooftops of a small maritime village. I wondered if birds would visit. There are gardens hidden in the hilly town between houses, stairways, pathways and tight streets. Winter can't offer much here for them, I'd think, but here they are.

   The blue jay brought a mate, then the starlings came, then the crows were patrolling and snooping and soaring past. The dish was knocked to the ground, I bungied it, that was turned over, I taped it down, the tape is loose, what to do? This morning those 2 starlings (I like them, they are beautiful and funny) ran the blue jay off, he ran them off, they all flew away and then the blue jay came back and ate quickly. A sparrow was running around the floor of the porch earlier. 

  How do these creatures orchestrate themselves? The blue jay comes in and calls, then eats, his/her mate shows up and he/she moves off to make room for it to have at the dish. The starlings come in a pair, too. Somehow they all interact and feed themselves and soar away in a dance of their own making. I am watching and waiting to see what happens next. 

   Inner rhythms, environmental conditions, population density, behavioral habits are all part of the feeding life cycle, the state of being for all creatures. I think we are interacting better with the butterflies and birds and our beloved pets these days than we are with humans we consider to be different or in conflict with our chosen pattern of beliefs or life styles. What balance to the extremes will emerge? Can we dance a dance of Life in a wellness that is beneficial to all? Can we move past struggle for nourishment and space? I am watching the birds to see how they do it here on my porch overlooking a peaceful bay near the cold Atlantic sea. I want my blue jay to be happy, secure, and well fed on my new porch. 



Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Ones We Knew as Young


   After the chaos of 2020, 2021, and now the confusion and intensity of '22, I think and try to feel my way through the best (or acceptable) pathways of daily life. Much has changed in my living setup, and I have changed physically and internally. But, Oh, the changes I can enjoy when I see my lifetime friends!

   There are the childhood and schoolmate kids I knew who are all olding like I am. There are the kids I taught who now have kids. There are the ones gone by who I still feel and sometimes talk with. TIME. Who invented that? 

   I have a best-before-birth friend whose mother and mine were best for each other for over 80 years. She is grey, loved, adjusting to the recent loss of her husband from college days, and still working as a healer, traveling, gathering Family, and .... whatever she does in the Midwest of the USA surrounded by extreme outlooks and higher prices in living. 

  I read and post with the giving friend who grew from a wild unpredictable whirlwind in a genteel family into a missionary of sorts traveling from the Holy Land to deep suburban America talking about religion, creativity, loving regardless of differences and hosting many who want to find the magic in history's legends.

   There is the beautiful 3 year old reading prodigy who is now a recently turned out gay single mother of a rambunctious and daring boy. She is a teacher in Canada working with 'disabled' people and high school hopefuls looking for a future.  

   My old high school class pres became a lawyer and minister and college president and a comrade of golfing champions and Texas conservatism. Do we all love each other?

   My own sweet little daughters have gone away. They are strong independent self supporting professionals with chosen (or seemingly not) challenges and healthy vital lives. I am so fortunate. But I miss them, all the children and youthful comrades in life I have known. Growing in Time is a bit of a conundrum.

   All is well as of this moment. We can live in beauty and try to contribute to the higher planes of fellowship!!! Amen.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Love of Place, Kindred Friends

     Today I visited a magical place in time; an inland bay, river, hillside, taken in love and intent into a remarkable home on the Earth by a remarkable multi-talented woman. Single, senior, artistic, visionary and practical, she has built a small house and landscaped gardens for herself. It is difficult to imagine a better way of life.

   Nearby is the established homestead of our good friends who live with creative verve and independence. What makes a homefront extraordinary? Where does the heart find the openings for setting itself down in beauty? What minds can envision a way to find secure and consistent creativity ongoing through years of enjoyment, labor and sharing? We live who we are or we are lacking. The greater spirit of a holistic existence can be played out in this world in spite of the disturbances we all encounter as a 'civilized' collective. Individual dreams can be enacted by working with the elements: earth, sky, water, flora, fauna, climate, community, and solitude.

   Grow your food, harvest your firewood, use natural supplies, trade and share, make space for your own talents and hobbies and body/mind/soul. Heart salutations to you who understand and build our personal dream worlds!