Sunday, January 3, 2016

Healing consciously

    Before I left Canada for Chile I fell and crunched my ankle so bad I thought it was broken. Luckily, it was only damaged and I made it south with a lot of pain and swelling and help from airport staff and wheelchairs. The injury set off my gimpy knee and I have been hobbling around and resting instead of taking hikes and climbing hills. 
    Yesterday I went to a biomagnetic therapist. It is one of the few holistic techniques nearby so I tried it. It is a well known healing method in SA, from Mexico. I am always interested in new and natural ways to improve our never-ending ills, so I'm projecting tissue repair and PH balance chugging away inside my still functional body!
    Meanwhile, I go to bed early. Must get some English veg-out books to pass the time. It is refreshing, though, to just sit or walk around in do-nothing mode and watch the time pass quietly. I have no duties, errands, wants, urges that must be acted upon. I am beginning to talk to myself in pigdin Spanish and have the curiosity to look up words. I seem to do better with fundamental short sentences and not worry about proper grammar or verbs, tenses, etc. Just try and the others figure out what I mean. Most Chileans I meet understand English fairly well but won't speak it. 

    I have photographed all the 'weeds' in the yard to show them to my NS urban farm group to compare the similarities to NS plants. It is just a little exercise in green to keep them alert in the snow. Have a happy morning!