Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Doing the little things

     I must mop! I've thought about the state of the world's trouble spots and decided the best thing to do is stick to my own flow of stability and small meaningful daily activities. It matters how we live. 
     I would not be caught at a podium or in the back of a pickup truck with a megaphone yelling liberal values and challenges into the crowd's applause. I will not likely be writing op ed's for Time or the New York Times although I've considered it occasionally in the 45 years I have lived outside the United States. I can, however, care for the sick and help harried mothers with spunky children and shop frugally and watch my fossil fuel footprint. I can write to sad parents and friends and paint the light coming through the dark and meditate to a happy harmony of sounds and thoughts.

     What else CAN we do in a time that seems the insane and uncaring are surging to the front of loud and killing activities? Living a quiet 'good' life has it's frustrations. The news is bad all over the place. With the internet and communications so instant we are vicariously included in happenings the world over. Ignoring all the chaos doesn't quite work. In this age of emerging 'awareness' of our interconnectedness we are affected whether we like it or not. Beyond religious dogma we all know this is an experience with certain value lessons personal and collective. How to negotiate happy daily life and social safety and fine values when so much seems to be flying out the window of sane humanity? The opposites are in play.

     Beyond seeming opposites there are spaces to think and feel true beauty and kindness. There are areas of activity that weave the fabric of fun and celebration. Magic is all around us. It takes faith in our own individual goodness and in the benevolence of the Unknown design to be able to keep to the life-giving rhythms available as we travel through time. Are we a bad species? Is the Shadow in charge? Is it all worthless?

     Mop the floor. Plant a seed. Give a smile. Allow some appreciation for your own vibrating self. 'Other' may be an illusion. Who knows? Someone will love you if you let them. In the right way. Because they love life and find meaning in the breathing of it's promises. Carry on!