Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Fish from the seas

    Sun again after several days of fog and misty rain. This little vacation town is quiet. I just remembered it is summer here and the children are out of school. Mucho confusing para Norte Americano. I look up at the big dipper. Is it upside down? The sunset is in the same place it will be in Pleasant Bay 6 months from now, in summer.
     We went to the port city nearby and toured the extensive fish markets..phew! There is every possible tidbit of every kind of life form imaginable on the tables for sale and consumption. Most of the fish are brought in from the south. Can it possibly be fresh laying out in the daylight with no ice or refrigeration? I had trouble looking at some of the lumps of whatever it is. Soy una spoiled northemericano, si.
     During a home barbecued dinner we discussed vitaculture: Viticulture (from the Latin word for vine) is the science, production, and study of grapes. It deals with the series of events that occur in the vineyard. When the grapes are used for winemaking, it is also known as viniculture. It is a branch of the science of horticulture, and permaculture: Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. Ideals are useful but not always applicable with force. We grow as we learn. 
    I want to visit the beach in the morning light and see how it differs from the forceful sunset rhythms. The sun comes up from behind the coastal mountains to the east. Beyond is the big busy hot city and Argentina and the Atlantic. What a world!