Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Living on the Edge

    On the edge of tolerance, on the edge of comfort, on the edge of acceptance, irritation, humor, safety, fear, dread, hope, trust, joy.....edginess is nerve wracking and stimulating. It is disturbing but pushes us on over or back into firmer ground for realignment. Choices can be spontaneous or orchestrated to change or not. We have many crossroads, cliffs, turns, hills and smooth sailings throughout our lifetimes. When the circumstances seem to be precarious, to continue toward that drop off or to turn and move in a new direction can be a momentous time of self direction.

    What are we doing these days as a species? When will we see the big picture and make that decision to turn and regroup? Will we all need to work together or can this new direction for safety and comfort be done on an individual basis? Where are the others who understand?  Why doesn't everyone understand that the free choice for comfort and firm ground is available?

    I once asked a friend psychic who channeled 'the Counsel' for positive advice on why, if everything is connected and the universe is supposed to be so benevolent and human happenings are all ok in the long run, why is there suffering and hate and war and sickness. The rather elevated answer was that some people learn better from conflict. Duh. I guess the ones who don't want conflict are from another school of life. Could that be it? We have different means and ways to process human experience? OK. lets not worry about all the conflicters. Lets get on with the dance. Can it be? That simple? What if they.....CLIFF!


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Chilling Out

  The big thing I learned when I moved North from Midwest was to take whatever the season was and work with it. I have always disliked ice and snow, grey and chilling atmospheres, yet I moved right into it for part of each year.

    I escape whenever possible from the cold winters of life but sometimes it is necessary to encounter the uncomfortable weather and stay warm. Up is down on this earth. The Equator is the line of demarcation. Far from the center the atmosphere may be clear and crisp but it becomes cold and icy.
We are adaptable but seem to each have areas where we feel better or worse as we travel the years and experiences of our lives. If you think this is the one and only life, or that we are dependent on the success of this particular evolution, it becomes intensely important to find what matters and what feels good and what brings fulfillment. Living without self fulfillment is a cold and hostile reality.
    NOW is a complicated world we are negotiating. Others affect us in ways we aren't even aware of. Our modern culture has us in such thrall of comfort and self expression that we are out to enjoy life rather than struggle. Good! Turn the tables on traditional acceptance of the need to suffer to gain merit in the other worlds of being. Create your own design. Go where it feels fine. Live the new paradigm of conscious evolution. See the underlying beauty in even the things you dislike, they may teach you to be strong and invulnerable to the cold winds. Dance in the rain, roll in the snow. Find a way to be where you wish to be and thrive.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Seasonal Evolution

    There has been a cooling of the breezes here in Nova Scotia this week; promise of the autumn. So many beautiful warm weather scenes will be transforming and slowing and resting in the next 6 months. We prepare for a cold icy season up in Canada every year. Sometimes the expectations are for a 'hard winter', other times we hear predictions of 'mild' months to come..who knows till it happens?
    But it is not time for that, yet. We have a sunny day now and can enjoy the weekend before rain from the southern states hits us. If it does. Anticipation of discomfort is not a fun mindset. Somehow, the human species keeps on going regardless of the traumas we create for ourselves. An aware population is conversing about 'creating your own reality' on all forms of thought conveyance and individuals and groups are learning to stick to the positive side of their dreams and expectations. Once you hit a pothole, barrel on through or back up and detour. 
    With crude politics, ill health issues, and earthly eruptions still in our experience it is a challenge to remain in the bubble of self-creating inspiration at times. Hang on, the winds are changing, seasons evolve, and we become stronger. Enjoy the day! Grow your own!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Best of What We Have

    It is so easy to see what is missing or needs to be done or fixed or jettisoned in our lives. When we have the kind of confusing public reality that is happening in so many places now, keeping to the good of what IS can be a little challenging.
    NOW is the time to see what is right and keep it going.
This summer in Nova Scotia has been the best weather ever. People are out on the lakes and beaches, in the cafes and on cruise boats, walking the streets and boardwalks, enjoying the ambiance and the colorful moving live design of the moments.

    Personal life is where we create the flow of happenings in the world. Keep to the best that you are and see the best of what you have!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Where are You?

Whatever happened to
The brave young men?
They're meditating
With the trees and
Listening to tales
Of the breeze

What has happened to
The kind young women?
They are working
Deep in the cities
Learning to serve
With sunshine smiles

While ragged aggressors
And shark-suited oppressors
Clash for 'equality'
My brothers and sisters
Balance the weather
With dreams of Forever

A,Hart, Baddeck, NS, 1981

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Doing the little things

     I must mop! I've thought about the state of the world's trouble spots and decided the best thing to do is stick to my own flow of stability and small meaningful daily activities. It matters how we live. 
     I would not be caught at a podium or in the back of a pickup truck with a megaphone yelling liberal values and challenges into the crowd's applause. I will not likely be writing op ed's for Time or the New York Times although I've considered it occasionally in the 45 years I have lived outside the United States. I can, however, care for the sick and help harried mothers with spunky children and shop frugally and watch my fossil fuel footprint. I can write to sad parents and friends and paint the light coming through the dark and meditate to a happy harmony of sounds and thoughts.

     What else CAN we do in a time that seems the insane and uncaring are surging to the front of loud and killing activities? Living a quiet 'good' life has it's frustrations. The news is bad all over the place. With the internet and communications so instant we are vicariously included in happenings the world over. Ignoring all the chaos doesn't quite work. In this age of emerging 'awareness' of our interconnectedness we are affected whether we like it or not. Beyond religious dogma we all know this is an experience with certain value lessons personal and collective. How to negotiate happy daily life and social safety and fine values when so much seems to be flying out the window of sane humanity? The opposites are in play.

     Beyond seeming opposites there are spaces to think and feel true beauty and kindness. There are areas of activity that weave the fabric of fun and celebration. Magic is all around us. It takes faith in our own individual goodness and in the benevolence of the Unknown design to be able to keep to the life-giving rhythms available as we travel through time. Are we a bad species? Is the Shadow in charge? Is it all worthless?

     Mop the floor. Plant a seed. Give a smile. Allow some appreciation for your own vibrating self. 'Other' may be an illusion. Who knows? Someone will love you if you let them. In the right way. Because they love life and find meaning in the breathing of it's promises. Carry on!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Travels in Time

     From the dry Chilean hills and rough Pacific surf to the heat of Miami to the early spring chill in Missouri and back again through Florida to cold wet Nova Scotia: It was an unexpected detour to rush to see my mother for the last time on this Earth. She died peacefully March 22 in the morning. I saw her the night before and felt I got there in time to tell her she was loved and greatly appreciated. She was good and true. She lives in our hearts and minds, DNA and habits

     In still chilly April I retreated to a northeastern shore in Canada to see old friends and watch the winter turn to spring. The horse and artisans and goats are at home there. Most of my gang has 'come from away' (COA'ers) and made inroads into the woods and shores building homes and lives intertwined in the interest of self-actualization. There is an underlying harmony and respect for individuals and a learned patience for eccentricities that the locals have established. The feuds are heartfelt and dealt with in some humor and story telling perspective. The weather is a key presence and control. Fiddle music keeps us warm and jigging free.

    The city guys learned to fish on a cold rough sea. The ladies carry wood, bake from scratch, and help build their houses. Everyone has an art, craft or hobby in the interest of creativity and development. Most have eliminated the tv dramas of our larger culture and see happenings with a viewfinder once removed from the hype and extreme opinions. To build your life in a new land with kind and inventive neighbors is a good way to go. Self education, sharing, and physical vitality are so much a part of the lifestyle there it is a norm.  

I am back in the city now with kindred friends cooking up some fun in this September season of my Life. 

 Cherio, carry on!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Rarefied Worlds

    We visited a remarkable environment last week. It is one of those places that is a constant work of art being created, a world of its own. The entire time-space-mind-feeling atmospheres are enclosed with good intentions, cooperation, inspiration and appreciation. Have you found places like that in your life? They make the mundane seem dull in comparison.
    The big farming plantation we visited is run by a family dedicated to natural lifestyle and self sustaining technology, vision, and ever-changing developments. The children of the parents fit right into the scene as do some of the locals and enthusiastic world travelers who pass through. This eco-creation is in a valley in Chile. There are other places where I have found the same high spirit of endeavor and success: in the hills of St. Ann's Bay, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia communities; with acoustic musicians in the countryside of southwest Missouri; among masters students at an art college in Totnes, England; on a small urban farm on top of a wooded hill in Halifax.
    People are productive and the life is magical when working together to build a vision incorporates allowing the dream to grow with respect and skillful work, joy for the small things in life and understanding of the worldly perspective the endeavor brings. They can let it flow with deep commitment and ease of expectation.

    Lets find our heart places and give them a boost of appreciation and participation! 


Friday, February 12, 2016


     Time is ticking right along. Northerners are counting 6 weeks to spring and southerners are soaking up the sun. There have been glitches in smooth going here and the setbacks, although minor, can take on super importance when they seem to challenge ease and comfort and equilibrium. Forward motion is conditioned with detail work.
     I am trying to communicate with an insane cursor. It does what it wants and makes no sense with its maneuvers. Holding on for a new computer till I get back to my familiar world is tricky.  If you don't hear from me, send mental messages, please.
     We have visited with wonderful friends and visitors, celebrated meals and birthdays with wild little boys banging and jabbering and laughing, a teenager who got her fruit and whipped cream birthday cake smashed in her face, big dogs barking at the gates, and a shedding cat who sits on the dinner table. There is a village nearby full of shops and studios where pottery is made. The whole town is a pottery factory. We got a piggy bank for a gift to a guy who is buying up mountain land in the south. Pigs are traditional good luck symbols here.
     My painting is ok, the colors and feeling are growing more appropriate but the local women's studio shop only wanted the small postcards, not the landscapes I am trying to do with some level of Chilean essence. Oh, well, living is learning and learning is a huge part of living. Enjoy the time and see the grace in the unfolding!


Friday, January 29, 2016


 Away from the maddening crowd!

    We humans have so many ways to interact and to communicate in our worldly reality. It amazes me the lengths we go to to misinterpret. The art show is supposed to be open at 10 am and NO ONE shows up to open the school classrooms where over 100 artists' work is exhibited. The friend will pick up the borrowed party items at an established time and day and shows up 3 days later unannounced while the host is in the shower. The politicians and educators are at least a decade (or 2) behind the real needs of the populace. We find fleas on the cat after she has scratched her fur off her body in clumps.
    The mis-inderstanding we have come to gives us room to self-create but does nothing for union of action or heart. I haven't seen much disparagement here on the shore in Chile but it is present. I can't understand the words in Spanish but I listen to the vibes of the spoken word and watch the actions of the people. How to find harmony and balance?
    Caring is important to equilibrium and so is stability. If you think you are a victim of another's attitude or action you won't feel like cooperating. The ever present sense of competition has gotten out of hand in most interchanges today. Will he cheat me? Will she turn on me? Can I make a promise and keep it? Should I trust myself, let alone someone else? Will the plane leave on time? Will the storm close down the roads? What if the internet crashes or the banks fail or I get really sick? Should I do more, should I care less, etc and etc. Meanwhile, we drive in clumps and honk at disruptions.
    There is a way to come to ease and trust with the whirl of past present future. It seems to grow as one matures from being immersed in daily commerce to quiet time alone and with other species and elements. There is a world of people creating balance and peaceful thought/feeling/action. Always has been, always will be. Finding them is a gift of life if you want that quality. If you love the chaotic marketplace and unpredictable mass dance, Go for IT! For me, a little of the latter goes a long way.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


    Birthdays in our family go for at least a week. This time it is Sarah's 32nd. The last week has been a mix of perfect weather and irritating glitches in progress and events. However, we persevere. I am walking carefully with gimpy knee and hoping the car is returned from the south very soon. 
    Last evening we had a Mexican theme party with friends from around the world. I listened to the river flow of Spanish and used my pidgin and hand signals to communicate. Much of the culture here is about wine making. Los chilenos aman su vino! There are many beautiful vineyards here, large and small, growing and producing wine for international sales. Wine makers come from Europe and the US to work or learn. 
    I am trying to make the tiny vegetable/herb garden flourish in dry season and bad soil. The gardener is confused when he comes to work and the plants have already been watered. I asked him for compost and he brought a bag of sticks and rotten leaves. I must learn more words! 
    Painting is progressing slowly as I watch the sky and sea, study the trees and the rock formations. The colors are different from other places I have lived and it is a wonderful way to experience a place by absorbing and transcribing the impressions as they develop!



Saturday, January 9, 2016

Valparasio, Chile

Valparasio is very hilly like San Francisco. We took an ancient elevator down to the lower levels after driving up and around to find a parking spot. There was a big line to go up so we walked many many many many steps up and up. There is an old prison turned into a cultural center and park where Sarah is going to have a play about migrants in the country. I took lots of photos. The light was hazy so the colors didn't come out as bright as the internet shots I have seen.

We didn't get to the most interesting section. But what a city! Wouldn't want to live there; visiting once every 6 months would be plenty. We saw and heard English speaking tourists huffing up and down and wondering if they could ever maneuver a wheel chair in the streets. NO. We had lunch in a nice designer-chic place way up over the harbor with papyrus fronds waving in the breeze. Beautiful!


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Helpful Hints for Life in Chile

      Although the differences between the North and South Americas may seem minor in the big picture (people are the same the world over..??) there are some initial skills you may need to survive comfortably and smoothly if you get on the ground in the long lean lumpy land of Chile, SA.      
    ALWAYS have small coins to offer. It is expected. The parking guys on the streets will come up and tell you the price of stopping to see the vista or shopping in the stores. There is a set price, a few to 2000 pesos ($4.00 ca) for a set time. They are at the beach, on the city streets, near the parks at sunset in bright orange vests replacing parking meters. Some are nice and others are grim and determined.     
    In the grocery stores, if you can weather the chaos and congestion and avoid the insane, once you get to the check out counter you will be ignored by more grim faced workers. When you pay, be prepared to offer a 100 peso coin to the apathetic person bagging your purchases. Don't bother asking for directions to goods, you will be proudly ignored. The help leaves something in the way of cheerfulness to be desired. In the line-up you will encounter irritated rude customers line jumping and cart banging. Whole families with crammed piles of soggy veggies and boxed food will push in wherever they wish. Collisions are rampant in the aisles, resembling the driving habits of the population. Go, buy, and scamper back home safely!      
     Now about the bathrooms: Always take those precious peso coins and your own toilet paper. You would not believe the many restrooms guarded by wardens of the door. You pay to get in. You pay for small amounts of pre-measured paper; you will find no rolls in the stalls. Some places have no attendant and no paper. That is when you must have a stockpile in your pocket. Always. It is so dire that the TP manufacturers have taken to inserting small tidy rolls into the tubes of the home supply packages of  tissue. You remove the purse edition and stash it where you can get to it on any occasion. Brilliant.     
      I heard that the public toilets in China are a hole in the ground with no doors. Ug. What has our species come to? North America has an evolved and wasteful but nicely private and supposedly sanitary way to practice our necessary bodily elimination functions. Never leave home without toilet paper when away from cultured 1% amenities. Cherio.

PS: They lock up public facilities often and unexpectedly.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Healing consciously

    Before I left Canada for Chile I fell and crunched my ankle so bad I thought it was broken. Luckily, it was only damaged and I made it south with a lot of pain and swelling and help from airport staff and wheelchairs. The injury set off my gimpy knee and I have been hobbling around and resting instead of taking hikes and climbing hills. 
    Yesterday I went to a biomagnetic therapist. It is one of the few holistic techniques nearby so I tried it. It is a well known healing method in SA, from Mexico. I am always interested in new and natural ways to improve our never-ending ills, so I'm projecting tissue repair and PH balance chugging away inside my still functional body!
    Meanwhile, I go to bed early. Must get some English veg-out books to pass the time. It is refreshing, though, to just sit or walk around in do-nothing mode and watch the time pass quietly. I have no duties, errands, wants, urges that must be acted upon. I am beginning to talk to myself in pigdin Spanish and have the curiosity to look up words. I seem to do better with fundamental short sentences and not worry about proper grammar or verbs, tenses, etc. Just try and the others figure out what I mean. Most Chileans I meet understand English fairly well but won't speak it. 

    I have photographed all the 'weeds' in the yard to show them to my NS urban farm group to compare the similarities to NS plants. It is just a little exercise in green to keep them alert in the snow. Have a happy morning!   

Friday, January 1, 2016


   Good New Morning, 2016! I watched the lights and heard the booms last night from our deck. Then, I SAW a UFO..overhead cruising slowly above the town festivities..I believe it was a drone with 2 red lights. I wonder If I am in a video somewhere in my night gear gazing up at the unknown eye in the sky. Shades of technological observation! My camera card was full so I missed documenting it documenting me.The town sounds happy and full of family fun.